Friday, December 08, 2006

Not a Postcard!

Yes, yes...... I know it's been awhile since I've updated but genius takes time. I had to really concentrate as I snapped this awesome photo of our city's annual Christmas tree. You see, I lack the ( I was born with it gift) of whatever crap you can think of. So when I do something that is remotely good I have to stand back and ask myself, "Jason, how did you not screw this up?" Some people just paint, play music or take photographs like it's nothing. They throw away stuff I would hang on my wall, collect in an album or listen to because they think it's not good. Those people (are stupid) & should be forced to teach community college classes on art for a semester so they could come to realize, in an artistic way, how really annoying they are when they whine about how they have no talent or inspiration. News flash!! Those of us who lack talent hate it when those who have talent try and act like us who have non. You're good, but we are better at being average so don't try and compete.