Wednesday, September 09, 2009


As I sat pondering one evening about how we humans work hard, I realized that as we age we find ourselves wishing we had the energy we did when we were younger. If an adult could just have a little boost every now and then of this youthful energy imagine what could be accomplished during our busy schedules. But we aren't children anymore and sadly lack the energy to barely make it through our days. Furthermore, as we age we also lose the ability to recharge our batteries and get good restorative sleep. Now imagine something that flies in that face of all that. Imagine something that seemingly isn't to terribly busy with work, is grown and has the ability to capture all that restorative sleep in so much that it ends up wasting it (knowingly) like a precious commodity. While it wastes this commodity, imagine something laughing at those who can't reclaim their youthful energy or the ability to recharge at will. Once you've cemented this picture firmly in your mind please ask yourself the following: What does that picture resemble???

THIS OF COURSE! Pisses me off.


Stephanie said...

She LOVES her bed....and sleep for that matter... :)

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