Sunday, July 16, 2006

Blue with Envy?

Have you ever noticed how some things are exactly not what they're presumed to be? It's as if they're identified or recognized by their ability to mislead. Not openly of course, but some everyday things, if pondered, lead one to say "Now, that just doesn't make sense!" Driveways are a good place to start. We, in fact, park (not drive) on our little pieces of pavement in front of our houses. Yet we call them driveways. Advertising is also to blame when it comes to identifying products. The whole idea of advertising is to make you think you need a product or service by presenting it as something else. Cars, for instance, aren't automobiles intended to transport us from point A to point B. They are, from an advertising standpoint, non physical experiences that we must "feel" to believe. My favorite are maxi pad and or diaper commercials in which we, the idiot consumers, are shown how absorbent these items are with a mysterious BLUE liquid. Yes. That's right folks. These ad campaigns are accurate. We must believe that women everywhere, once a month, turn into Klingons and desperately need the absorbing power to trap this strange blue liquid. I'm reminded of how something so simple can become so stupid when put in an advertising light. Just the other day my wife told me how she consulted her grandmother on this issue. Her grandmother told her when she was a young woman pads came with a belt that women wore all day long. In fact, she said the pads were so absorbent she often farted in crowded places (like her son's ball games) and no one was the wiser. I'd believe that before I'd believe a sales pitch. Just make the damn products and we the consumers will decide what's best.

1 comment:

The Mommy said...

Blue's the new red....and yellow...