Monday, September 14, 2009

Are we there yet??

Hi! Welcome to Hell! Where hell is commuting in this day and age on the highways and streets of America's cities. Whoever invented these things really needs to have their head examined to confirm what I already know. NO BRAINS! I ask you, how did we ever live without voice guided GPS navigation? Quite safely thank you! It's as if people have never driven outside their neighborhood. Everyday countless people embark on quests of madness not knowing where they're going. Now it's not because they haven't been there before or because they're lost. NO NO! It's because the brain dead masses feel they need to be told what they must do next. "In 300 ft turn left", the young woman's voice says as people blindly obey the instructions like some GARMIN or TOM TOM cult following. I say "WAKE UP!" before we plow right into a building because we took the next available left turn or worse yet, listen to the "make a u-turn" command. I remember a long long loooong time ago in the early nineties when we used to take pictures of the ground from the air and put these pictures on paper. We called them maps and they were very useful at telling you where to go. Of course you need to know how to read before using one but we use to get to where we were going with no problem. Not today though, today we have technology which "FREEs" us from our troubles. Funny! I remember a time when we Americans would consider being TOLD what to do an insult to our freedom. The whole idea of finally getting your license to drive was so you could escape, for a little while, the confines of being told what to do. Movement in YOUR vehicle was free. You could go where you wanted, see whom you wanted and not be told how to do it. WOW, have times changed! Now we free ourselves in our vehicles by being told, from a computer no less, where to go and what to do. "Are we there yet"? and the answer is yes if "THERE" is facing westbound in the eastbound lanes of the 210 freeway. I say, Where does THERE end???

1 comment:

(Re)Becca said...

Thank you!!!! I don't use a calculator for simple math and I refuse to use a GPS for simple errands!

THIS is how people get dumber all the time.